Where to find my books for FREE and Almost FREE!

by | Apr 12, 2020 | Fantasy Romance, Free, My Writing

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and sane, wherever you are.


In these trying times, finding something to entertain ourselves at a bargain price is a necessity! I’m hoping this post will be able help.

I’ve actually been meaning to write a roundup like this for a while, but since we’re all stuck inside, I realized now was the perfect time to share it.

First up is your local libraries.

Most libraries now offer one or more ways to borrow e-books and my books are available on several services.

Hoopla: If your library uses Hoopla, your in luck. Most of my books are availabe to you, no matter where you are.

Overdrive and Cloud Library: For these service, each library or library system curates their own collection. If my books aren’t currently available through your library, you can request that they add them.

Next are subscriptions services.

Basically, you pay a set fee and can download books to read on your computer or phone.

Scribd: normally 8.99 + tax per month, they are currently offering a one-month no commitment trial (in other words, their not making you put a credit card number in.) That offer is no longer available.

Unfortunately, because Amazon requires exclusivity my books are NOT available through Kindle Unlimited at this time.


Finally, the books that are free and discounted on the retailers.


Book One: By Vengeance Guided – free

Kindle | Apple | Kobo | Nook

Book Two: By Destiny Bound – .99

Kindle | Apple | Kobo | Nook



Book One: Dragon Fairest – .99

Kindle | Apple | Kobo | Nook



Book One: The Snow Wolf – .99 (this is a temporary sale and will be full price again, next month.)

Kindle | Apple | Kobo | Nook


And don’t forget the Extras available on my website.


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